Prioritizing Recovery and Preventing Burnout

Prioritizing Recovery and Preventing Burnout

Don’t let everyday stress take control. Easier said than done, right? But with consistent practice, you can learn to manage stress and prevent burnout. 

Four simple strategies for preventing burnout: 

  • Take Microbreaks: 

Break up your workday with a microbreak every 20-60 minutes. Microbreaks can range in length from 30 seconds up to a couple of minutes. Try incorporating light stretching while giving your eyes a chance to rest after longer durations of screen time. A microbreak is also a great opportunity to refill your water bottle or chat with a coworker. 

  • Segment Your Schedule: 

How often have you responded to an email after working hours when it wasn’t necessary? /Consider setting work hours in your calendar so colleagues know when you’re not available. This will allow you to “switch off” and enjoy your personal time. Segmenting your schedule can lead to better engagement and performance during work hours. 

  • Make Time for Hobbies: 

It’s important to make time to do the things that make you happy.  Whether that’s going to a group exercise class, taking an art class, or reading, engaging in meaningful activities is more likely to help you manage stress. 

  • Get Connected: 

Spend time with family and friends. Reach out when you need support. Connect your body and mind with meditation and breathwork. You deserve to feel your best.