Category: Uncategorized

Nutrition + Running

Nutrition + Running

Love running but keep crashing? Then you know how important it is to fuel your body the right way. Try these tips to support a great run and quick recovery. Pre-run fueling tips It’s not just crucial during your run–but before it, too. Proper hydration beforehand helps your muscles get the nutrients they need while...

Breaking Down Stress

Breaking Down Stress

When most people think of meditation, they picture just one thing: sitting quietly and clearing your mind. But did you know there are lots of different styles of meditation? Some help you relax or go to sleep. Others help you focus, cultivate compassion, or develop more awareness. All meditation styles have great benefits for your...

How to Trigger Flow State at Work

How to Trigger Flow State at Work

After reading all about flow state and its benefits, you’re probably wondering — “this is great and all, but how the heck do they actually think I can achieve this level of zen when I have every distraction in the world working against me?” You’re not alone. Flow is a four-stage cycle of struggle, release,...

How Nutrition & Hydration Fuel Your Workday

How Nutrition & Hydration Fuel Your Workday

Ever think to yourself, “I know I’m eating well and exercising — why do I always hit a wall halfway through my work day?” The answer may be tied to the way you’re fueling your body. You may be in peak physical fitness, but if you aren’t fueling your body properly, you won’t be able...

Heart Rate Variability & What It Says About Your Health

Heart Rate Variability & What It Says About Your Health

Well, folks, today we are talking about a metric that isn’t always discussed but can be wildly beneficial to your fitness goals and achievements. It’s known as Heart Rate Variability (HRV). Never heard of it or are confused about what it means? We’ll walk you through the basics. HRV is a small metric that may...

Understanding Flow State

Understanding Flow State

We are all familiar with the concept of a runner’s high, but did you know there is a workplace equivalent? It is called flow state. When in a flow state, you feel so absorbed in a task that nothing else seems to matter. Distractions disappear. Hours seem like minutes. Production and success seem effortless. But...

turn mental resilience into grit

turn mental resilience into grit

Mental resilience is a phrase we’ve heard a lot lately, but what does it really mean, and what is grit? Perhaps more importantly, how can we develop both to help us reach our goals and keep working when we want to quit? What is mental resilience? Put simply, mental resilience is our ability to maintain...

5 signs you need a rest day

5 signs you need a rest day

Do you need a rest day? Here are five sure signs your body is telling you to add a day of active or passive recovery to your workout schedule.

The Complete Guide to Effective Stretching

The Complete Guide to Effective Stretching

One of the most common questions our members ask their trainers is, “When should I stretch?” Effective stretching can be done before and after exercise, but “when” to stretch really depends on what kind of stretching you’ll be doing and what goals you’ve set for yourself. Let’s take a look at the different types of...

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