Category: Nutrition

This is the beginning of anything you want

This is the beginning of anything you want

The first quarter of a new year is a great time to start anew tracking your progress against health goals. Focus on what the EXOS four pillars of human performance – mindset, nutrition, movement, and recovery – can do for you with these simple strategies for success.

Health is a gift you give yourself

Health is a gift you give yourself

Many of us approach “getting healthy” like an unpleasant task we’d rather put off for another day. It may seem overwhelming to face so many messages in the media, on our social feeds, and in our everyday lives that offer conflicting messages about what “getting healthy” really means, or how we even begin.

4 tips for reducing cancer risk

4 tips for reducing cancer risk

Lots of Americans will be wearing pink this month in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Awareness also includes doing your part to learn more about how a healthy lifestyle can help prevent breast cancer, and many other types of cancers.

Celebrate the new season with one healthy change

Celebrate the new season with one healthy change

It’s time to celebrate the work you’ve done to improve your health and fitness. Take a moment to think about all you’ve accomplished this year. Then, add one new healthy change from the following list of strategies from EXOS as you look ahead to the next season’s challenge!

4-Pillar Foundation Series: Nutrition Fuels A Healthy Body, Brain

4-Pillar Foundation Series: Nutrition Fuels A Healthy Body, Brain

Brain fog and lack of ability to concentrate may indicate that you aren’t getting enough of some brain-boosting nutrition. The foods and beverages we consume help fuel our muscles, contribute to healthy skin, help us to recover after a workout and even affect the brain. Incorporate these healthy foods as part of a balanced approach...

Stay Hydrated for Improved Performance

Stay Hydrated for Improved Performance

The human body comprises many intricate systems that all depend on proper hydration to function correctly. The experts at EXOS tell us that by the time you’re thirsty, you’re already dehydrated, so pay attention to your body’s signals that it needs water and be proactive about your daily water intake. Here are some signs you...