Category: Movement

MOVEMENT: 5 ways to stick to your workout

MOVEMENT: 5 ways to stick to your workout

No doubt it’s challenging to squeeze a workout into a schedule that’s full of appointments, meetings, and family obligations. So, first of all, cut yourself some slack! We all miss a workout every now and then. But don’t let an exception become a habit. Commit to taking care of yourself by building consistency with these...

10 ways to naturally boost energy

10 ways to naturally boost energy

When you’re in the throes of an energy slump, it’s easy to grab a coffee, soda, or sugary snack for a quick fix. But to perform at its best, the body requires a consistent energy source, which can’t be obtained from sugar and caffeine. Improve and maintain energy levels and perform at your best with...

10 tips for reclaiming your workout routine

10 tips for reclaiming your workout routine

If you find that the weather, family, or work obligations have impacted your workout groove, you’re not alone. Here are a few quick tips for reclaiming your workout routine to support a healthy lifestyle. Is the summer heat affecting your motivation to move? Try these tips for safe summer workouts and get moving. Tip No....

4 Tips for Practicing Mindful Movement

4 Tips for Practicing Mindful Movement

The mindful movement experts at Exos know that fitness is good for your brain. Physical improvements  like weight loss and getting stronger or faster are great benefits of regular movement. To experience enhanced mental health benefits requires that we also practice a mind-body connection while we exercise. The trick to maximizing the mental benefits of...

Naturally Boost Energy: 10 tips

Naturally Boost Energy: 10 tips

Naturally boost energy, feel better, and see more progress every day with these 10 tips from Exos, the world leader in human performance.

The Complete Guide to Effective Stretching

The Complete Guide to Effective Stretching

One of the most common questions our members ask their trainers is, “When should I stretch?” Effective stretching can be done before and after exercise, but “when” to stretch really depends on what kind of stretching you’ll be doing and what goals you’ve set for yourself. Let’s take a look at the different types of...

4 fitness secrets personal trainers wish you knew

4 fitness secrets personal trainers wish you knew

The personal trainers at Mercy Fitness Center are EXOS-certified Fitness Specialists, an elite-level trainer certification that is rare outside of an EXOS-managed facility. From its humble beginnings and throughout its more than two decades as the world’s leading human performance company, EXOS has focused on whole-person education and development. Trainers and coaches understand how mindset,...