Break up big goals into smaller, short-term goals. Here are five ways this approach can help you succeed.
Naturally Boost Energy: 10 tips
Naturally boost energy, feel better, and see more progress every day with these 10 tips from Exos, the world leader in human performance.
8 ways to create sustainable healthy eating habits
The secret to creating sustainable healthy eating habits is to use these eight tips, making small daily changes that add up to better health.
4 ways to balance to-do’s with self-care
Build a positive mindset by using these four tips to balance your to-do list with purposeful self-care.
Go with the flow state: Find your happy place
Flow state is the ultimate expression of human focus and performance, and the activities which trigger flow are as varied as human beings themselves. When you find yourself in flow state, you are capable of achieving amazing new levels of performance and exceeding your goals. What is flow state? It might sound a bit new-agey,...
The health benefits of human connection
Explore the power of real, in-person human connection and its positive effects on your health in a clean and spacious fitness center. Mercy Fitness Center fitness specialists and instructors facilitate the power of human connection to motivate, encourage, and inspire our members.
4 fitness secrets personal trainers wish you knew
The personal trainers at Mercy Fitness Center are EXOS-certified Fitness Specialists, an elite-level trainer certification that is rare outside of an EXOS-managed facility. From its humble beginnings and throughout its more than two decades as the world’s leading human performance company, EXOS has focused on whole-person education and development. Trainers and coaches understand how mindset,...
Build your ideal workout plan in 4 simple steps
Build a workout strategy with four tips that make it easy to keep your resolution and keep showing up.
A quick guide to beating holiday stress
Use these 7 tips to beat stress, remain resilient, and adapt to any unexpected situations.
Top 5 tips for working out while wearing a mask
Working out while wearing a face covering can require some adjustment. Follow these top five tips for masked workouts to stay healthy and get stronger when wearing a face covering.