Category: Mindset

Teach yourself how to power nap

Teach yourself how to power nap

Learn how to power nap, you can refresh and re-energize while you work on improving total sleep quantity and quality. We all know there aren’t enough hours in the day, and getting 8-10 hours of sleep every night is just a dream for most of us. Luckily, a nap may be just the ticket to...

4 Tips for Practicing Mindful Movement

4 Tips for Practicing Mindful Movement

The mindful movement experts at Exos know that fitness is good for your brain. Physical improvements  like weight loss and getting stronger or faster are great benefits of regular movement. To experience enhanced mental health benefits requires that we also practice a mind-body connection while we exercise. The trick to maximizing the mental benefits of...

turn mental resilience into grit

turn mental resilience into grit

Mental resilience is a phrase we’ve heard a lot lately, but what does it really mean, and what is grit? Perhaps more importantly, how can we develop both to help us reach our goals and keep working when we want to quit? What is mental resilience? Put simply, mental resilience is our ability to maintain...

Naturally Boost Energy: 10 tips

Naturally Boost Energy: 10 tips

Naturally boost energy, feel better, and see more progress every day with these 10 tips from Exos, the world leader in human performance.

Go with the flow state: Find your happy place

Go with the flow state: Find your happy place

Flow state is the ultimate expression of human focus and performance, and the activities which trigger flow are as varied as human beings themselves. When you find yourself in flow state, you are capable of achieving amazing new levels of performance and exceeding your goals. What is flow state? It might sound a bit new-agey,...