Try something new this month and take full advantage of the variety of group exercise and new small group fitness classes at Mercy Fitness Center.
Find joy, connect at your local fitness center
Connect and grow your support network at a local fitness center that offers group exercise, small-group and personal training, aquatics fitness, a new member app, and more.
Teach yourself how to power nap
Learn how to power nap, you can refresh and re-energize while you work on improving total sleep quantity and quality....
4 Tips for Practicing Mindful Movement
The mindful movement experts at Exos know that fitness is good for your brain. Physical improvements like weight loss and...
turn mental resilience into grit
Mental resilience is a phrase we’ve heard a lot lately, but what does it really mean, and what is grit?...
5 signs you need a rest day
Do you need a rest day? Here are five sure signs your body is telling you to add a day of active or passive recovery to your workout schedule.
How to stick to your nutrition plan anywhere
You can stick to your nutrition plan at home, at work, and even when traveling. Check out these tips to make it easier.
5 ways short-term goals = long-term success
Break up big goals into smaller, short-term goals. Here are five ways this approach can help you succeed.
Naturally Boost Energy: 10 tips
Naturally boost energy, feel better, and see more progress every day with these 10 tips from Exos, the world leader in human performance.
8 ways to create sustainable healthy eating habits
The secret to creating sustainable healthy eating habits is to use these eight tips, making small daily changes that add up to better health.
4 ways to balance to-do’s with self-care
Build a positive mindset by using these four tips to balance your to-do list with purposeful self-care.
The exos Guide to Shoulder Health
Protect yourself from injury and protect shoulder health with a few targeted thoracic spine and strengthening exercises from EXOS.
Top 5 Supplements to Give Your Workout a Boost
Learn more about choosing and incorporating high-quality supplements that can help you lose fat, gain muscle, and speed recovery.
Go with the flow state: Find your happy place
Flow state is the ultimate expression of human focus and performance, and the activities which trigger flow are as varied...
The Complete Guide to Effective Stretching
One of the most common questions our members ask their trainers is, “When should I stretch?” Effective stretching can be...