4 ways to balance to-do’s with self-care

4 ways to balance to-do’s with self-care

Many of us feel pressure to be productive every day, and that can be motivational when our expectations are realistic. If your daily to-do list keeps getting longer and gives you stress, consider rearranging your priorities to focus on positive mindset and self-care.

Here are four ways to set up and tackle your daily to-do list so you can feel better and find balance.

Schedule time for self-care

Self-care is a popular buzzword, and for good reason. We often get so busy that we put our own wants and needs at the bottom of an ever-growing list of tasks. To change that, you may want to schedule time every day for a favorite hobby, exercise, time with family and friends, and even meals to make sure you’re focusing on taking care of your most important responsibility – your own health.

Include “brain breaks” in your day

Prioritize frequent breaks so you have an opportunity to unplug and re-center, even in the middle of what may seem like all-consuming tasks. It only takes a few minutes to step outside, refuel your body and brain with a healthy snack, or try some breathing, stretching, or meditation to refresh your mind.

Consider using the snowball approach

There’s a financial guru who is famous for extolling the virtues of the snowball effect to debt management: tackling smaller, more achievable debts first. Checking tasks off your list can be energizing and help you get through more tasks in a day. Start with any must-do items to make sure you stay on track, but sprinkle in some smaller projects you can complete quickly to foster a sense of accomplishment and build productivity momentum – like a snowball rolling downhill. You’ve got this!

Give yourself permission to change

In life, as in fitness, if something doesn’t work for you it may be time to shake things up. That morning workout may seem like a good idea, but if you find that it’s better to decompress later in the day, give yourself the freedom to change your schedule. Instead, try an evening yoga class! Just remember that you’re in control of your schedule and can adjust to minimize stress, so give yourself the grace and space to pivot as new things come up that require your attention.

However you choose to structure your daily schedule and tackle your to-do list, remember to hydrate and fuel for optimal daily performance. Schedule some regular movement to boost your mood and maintain health, and remember that rest days belong on your schedule, as well. Plan for a leisurely swim or a relaxing stroll outside to change your perspective as you celebrate all your small, daily victories.